Certificate problems during login to ArubaOS in Student Lab Environment
Certificate errors during login to Student Lab ArubaOS Controllers this one from Microsoft's Edge browser. This can happen with any browser depending on the state of your controllers server certificate. First you should try to click the bottom link that says: "Continue to this webpage (not recommended)" This will try to bypass the fact that your browser might not trust the signing authority of the CA that signed the certificate used for SSL by your Controllers web server. If you are using the default certificate included in the ArubaOS firmware, it may be a revoked certificate, and if your browser has determined that, you may not be able to continue to the web site unless you disable certificate checking altogether on your browser. Click here to read about this issue from Aruba's community support web site. If this is the case, some times when you click on the "Continue" link, nothing will happen. Warning: it is NOT recommended to di...